INTERESTING: When an elephant returns toddler’s shoe, does that demonstrate an essence of humanity?

Adorable moment elephant returns toddler’s shoe after it falls into zoo enclosure
by Shannon Mcguigan
Published: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024 | Updated: 04:33 EDT, 28 April 2024

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This is the adorable moment a clever elephant returned a toddler’s tiny shoe after it was dropped into a zoo enclosure.

In the cute clip, the huge creature can be seen gently scooping up the tiny blue and yellow shoe using its enormous foot and lengthy trunk.

Slowly grasping the minuscule footwear, the friendly giant delicately returned the shoe dropping it back into the young visitor’s hand.

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But the kind elephant’s good deed didn’t go unnoticed as a zookeeper later rewarded Shanmai a watermelon for their kind gesture.

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Glad the act was rewarded.  I am always fascinated when “animals” demonstrate human-like qualities.

Perhaps us humans are too egotistical to recognize that life is precious.

Remember the gorilla that protected the injured child, kept him safe, and herded his family inside so the keepers could rescue him?


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