INSPIRATIONAL: Preparing to get Alzheimer’s?

Alanna Shaikh: How I’m preparing to get Alzheimer’s

When faced with a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s, most of us respond with denial (“It won’t happen to me”) or extreme efforts at prevention. But global health expert and TED Fellow Alanna Shaikh sees it differently. She’s taking three concrete steps to prepare for the moment — should it arrive — when she herself gets Alzheimer’s disease.

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Here’s something that I fear.

While it would not be a financial disaster because of Long Term Care insurance, it has to be a terrible way to “exit stage left”.

Any of these diseases that rob you of your mind or your physical abilities are tragic.

If we had “scientific research” done without Gooferment involvement, then I believe we would be curing these diseases. Instead, the money is wasted. And, worse, than the wasted money, is the waste in human capital.


Separation of Scientific Research and State!

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