POLITICAL: Are id requirements “racist”? No!


Asking For I.D. Before Voting Is ‘Racist’, But You Need A Govt. I.D. To Buy Drain Cleaner?
Posted on January 7, 2012 at 9:57pm by Mike Opelka Mike Opelka

*** begin quote ***

Got a clogged drain? Before you can buy that liquid drain cleaner, I need to see some ID.

*** and ***

If it is considered “racist” or “discrimination” to ask a voter for a photo ID before they are allowed to cast a ballot, why is it not racist to ask for a government issued ID card when you want to buy drain cleaner or pay for your gasoline with cash?

*** end quote ***

What stupidity?

The ONLY reason not to have voter id requirements is that the duopoly wants the ability to stuff the ballot box.

The Dead Old White Guys were right. Gooferment, politicians and bureaucrats are not to be trusted.

We’ve already seen “dead people” vote, more votes than people, and “math errors” in elections.

And, candidates don’t have to prove they’re eligible.

SO why vote?

Democracy is mob rule. Might as well turn the process over to the mob as we did with the Seventeenth Amendment.


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