RANT: Where else is Tim Bishop going to land a job that pays $174,000 a year with his resume?


Tim Bishop’s Phone Center Folly
by Bill O’Connell on December 27, 2011

*** begin quote ***

So Tim Bishop looks out for Tim Bishop first, Nancy Pelosi second, and if he can help his constitutents cut through some bureaucratic red tape, cut through it but not eliminiate it, he will do so. But he needs something, anything, to take the voters eyes off his dismal record in Congress, so let’s try another new twist on outsourcing, whether it is germane to his constituents or not. After all, where else is Tim Bishop going to land a job that pays $174,000 a year with his resume?

*** end quote ***

The last line is a great point.

How would any of these people “land a job that pays $174,000 a year with” that “resume”.


These folks would be in the trash can faster than a resume with a typo in the headline.

Let’s insist that the candidates produce a resume.

What are they going to put on it?

*** begin imaginary quote ***

Interviewer: “Now, Mister or Ms. Jones, you’re applying reappointment to the job as Legislator. So, what did you accomplish since your last reappointment?”

Legislator: “Well, not much, but it wasn’t my fault.”

Interviewer: “So, you got nothing done? Incompetent or lazy?”

Legislator: “It was the other party that wouldn’t cooperate.”

Interviewer: “So, you couldn’t persuade them to do what you felt needed to be done?”

Legislator: “It wasn’t my fault.”

Interviewer: “Well that is too bad. But, we have to focus on results. I’m sure that Burger King needs people of your caliber.”

*** end imaginary quote ***


This goes for both the D’s and the R’s

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