SOCIALISM: China’s one child policy impact

China: bachelor villages, kidnapped brides
September 15, 2011

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Over the next two decades, up to 50 million men are expected to be unable to find wives. “I don’t have any requirements at all,” said a 35-year-old farmer in a village with no women eligible for marriage. “I would be satisfied with just a wife.”

To help meet the growing demand for wives, thousands of Burmese women have been lured into China, kidnapped, and sold to rural men.

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Interesting how Gooferment diktats have such long ranging impacts. Like the man in the funny white hat has said (basically) don’t mess with what we don’t understand. It’s a little like surgery on ourselves. Such ego. To think we can defeat “natural law”.


With real world consequences.

Sad for everyone including the USA.

Think all those abortions won’t matter.

My fear is maybe “We, The Sheeple” have killed the person who could have cured cancer.

I’m ashamed that I wasn’t able to make it all stop.

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