GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Gooferment expanding in other directions

August 10th, 2009 at 9:16 am
Are Local And State Governments In The U.S. Getting Too Big?

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A new local government now emerges, on average, once a day in the United States. “I think it gives you a fair sense of the scale of growth that warrants attention,” says Nick Dranias, director of the Center for Constitutional Government at the Goldwater Institute, a public policy think tank in Phoenix, Arizona. For example, according to the California state government Web site, “within California, there are 58 counties, 468 cities, and over 3,400 special districts, exclusive of school districts.” Dranias believes that “few [special districts] are models of limited government restrained by a system of checks and balances,” arguing that these bodies are often driven by special interests.

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Of course, my immediate answer is yes.

“Special Districts” represent a new threat to liberty. Overlapping gooferments. With lots more paid staff. With pensions.


How dumb are we?

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